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  • [等级考试] 爆笑:盘点世界各地的蹩脚英语 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:28 好评:0

    ①If you want just condition of warm in your room, please control yourself。 日本旅馆:如果您想调节您房间的温度,请控制您自己。 ②Please don't feed the animals. If you have any food, please give it to the guard on duty。 匈牙利动物园:请不...

  • [等级考试] 魔鬼口语1000句(一):禽兽不如 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:35 好评:0


  • [等级考试] 魔鬼口语1000句(二):发什么神经 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:23 好评:0

    1.What's come over you? 你发什么神经啊?(怎么啦?) 2.They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢吃请。 3.My patience is running out. 我等不及了。 4.Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。当心摔个狗啃泥。 5.You don't have to mind your P...

  • [等级考试] 魔鬼口语1000句(四):好酒不怕巷子深 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:28 好评:0


  • [等级考试] 魔鬼口语1000句(五):生活平淡如水 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:23 好评:0

    1.The bulk of the speech fell short. 演讲的大部分内容令人失望。 2.Take the stage in a positive frame of mind. 登台的时候要保持积极的心态。 3.Aren't they picked over? 都是人家挑剩下的了。 4.The odds are stacked against you. 你成功的机会渺茫...

  • [等级考试] 英语新词:悠然自乐 chillaxin 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:35 好评:0

    Chillaxin is a portmanteau of chillin’ and relaxin’, refers to an extreme state of contentedness. Chillaxin是chillin’(平静)和relaxin’(放松)两个词的合成形式,指一种极度满足的状态。 When we say that you are chillaxin, we mean that yo...

  • [等级考试] 最“折磨”人的40个英文句子 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:27 好评:0

    1.Do you have a family? 你有孩子吗? 2.It's a good father that knows his son。就算是最好的父亲,也未必了解自己的儿子。 3.I have no opinion of that sort of man。我对这类人很反感。 4.He put 5 dollars into my hand,"you have been a great man t...

  • [等级考试] 生活口语:退货 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:28 好评:0

    A:Excuse me. Can you help me please? 打扰一下。可不可以请您帮我个忙? B:Yes. What can I do for you? 是的。我能帮你什么呢? A:I'd like to return this product. 我想退货。 B:What appears to be wrong with it? 出什么问题了? A:There's nothing w...

  • [等级考试] 生活口语:偶遇朋友 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:34 好评:0

    A:What a surprise! 真是惊讶! B:I wish I knew you were coming. 希望我早点知道你要来。 A:I know, we could have shared a taxi. 没错,我们可以一起乘出租车。 B:So, how have you been? 那你最近过得如何? A:My computer's been driving me crazy! It...

  • [等级考试] 支招:向漂亮美眉表白的英语开场白 日期:2009-09-29 19:50:46 点击:53 好评:0

    Chat-up Lines,顾名思义就是与人搭讪(chat somebody up)时的开场白。一句好的Chat-up Line,往往简单有趣,令人听来舒服。主动进取之余,又不会唐突佳人。搭讪的策略往往因人而异,挑选自己擅长的模式必能事半功倍: 甜言蜜语型——You're like a compass, w...
