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Dear Boarding Students|At this time of school year

时间:2015/06/24 11:02:53来源: 作者: 点击:
DearBoardingStudents;Atthistimeofschoolyear,wecanfeelsomestudentsbegintoexperienceexcitementasthesummervacationcomes.Butsomeothersstilldontwanttostartpacking.Ionceagai ,中考英语阅读,英语学科,河南文科豫文网-河南省文科学科专业网站

Dear Boarding Students,
    At this time of school year,we can feel some students begin to experience excitement as the summer vacation comes. But some others still don't want to start packing. I once again ask for your attention as we
will have summer camps for the new students. There is much work to be done in packing and
cleaning-up,especially during exam week.
     ▲Each student will get a task list and each task has a deadline(期限).The
dorm(寝室)teachers will work with each student each night to make sure you are getting the tasks done on time. It would be helpful if your parents encourage you to do a little packing and cleaning from now on. It means you can take the posters off the wall,pack up winter clothes,return all borrowed books to the library,etc. Spending twenty minutes a day on your tasks will make the last week of the term very easy,and you can spend more time on the important preparation for exams. If you plan to travel home,I'd like to remind you to take some of your belongings with you.
    The coming weekend is a“closed weekend”.During that time no one is allowed to leave
school. After packing we need to prepare the dorms for moving out,and store(储藏)students' large belongings.
    The last exam is on Thursday and all students leave after their exam. The dorm will remain open until 5 p. m. on Friday for those students that could not get a ride or flight. Please let us know if you need transportation to the airport.
    Thank you again for all your attention during the last,busy month of school. As always,you,welcome to call or email me with any questions.
    Peter Ma rgio
    Director of Campus Life
    pmargioC baylinschool. com
38. This email is from Director of Campus Life to      •
    A. dorm teachers    B. boarding students
    C. parents and students•D. parents of boarding students
39. Which of the following is the best for the blank(空白处)in Paragraph 2?
    A. It's better to break the huge task into smaller parts.
    B. It's better to take the posters off the wall.
    C. It's better to invite parents to pack up winter clothes.
    D. It's better to return all borrowed books to the library.
40. The underlined word“belongings,’in Paragraph 2 means“     ”in Chinese.
    A.体育器材 B.生活手册
    C.随身物品 D.交通工具
41.Boarding students should_ according to the passage.
    A. remember to store their small backpacks
    B. go shopping with their parents
    C. leave school during the“closed weekend”
    D. all leave after their exam on Thursday


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