场景回放:头发又湿又黏的楚雨荨(郑爽饰)正在气头上,誓要与那几个校园恶少斗争到底。就在这时,她曾经的钢琴老师从天而降,信誓旦旦地向她推荐一款新洗发水:“你应该用蚕丝蛋白来护理你的头发。” Chu Yuxun (Zheng Shuang) is still excited about her battle against campus bullies and her hair's still wet and messy, when her piano teacher suddenly shows up and recommends a new shampoo brand. "You really need silk protein to take care of your hair," the woman says persuasively.
接下来,就是一段该洗发水商标的大特写,镜头至此凝固不动,久久,久久…… The camera zooms in on the shampoo logo for what seems like an eternity.
从那一刻开始,楚雨荨就在《一起去看流星雨》中,踏上了与帅气阔少的爱情之旅。除了来自心怀嫉妒的女同学和男主角盛气凌人母亲的人为阻碍,可怜的女主角还要应付不计其数的植入广告:从奶茶到健身中心,可谓花样百出。 From that moment on, Chu, in Let's Go Watch the Meteor Shower, is on a love journey with handsome young tycoons. And, envious female classmates and a forbidding mother are obstacles. And the poor girl has to deal with an endless line of embedded goods, from milk tea to a fitness center.
正是这部几乎被广告所淹没的《流星雨》,让我们见识到了如今的广告商是多么疯狂:为了吸引观众眼球,他们宁愿牺牲作品的艺术性。 The ad-soaked TV drama Meteor Shower gives us an idea of how desperate advertisers have become in trying to grab our attention, sacrificing artistic quality.
令人扫兴的广告 Spoil sport
不管怎么说,在影视剧中植入广告现已蔚然成风。细心的观众发现,平均每集《流星雨》要出现四到五个不同的商品广告,几乎每5分钟一次。有些广告出现时间长达20-30秒,还有一些要更长。 Whatever the case is, ads planted in TV dramas and films are the order of the day. In Meteor Shower, observers have counted an average of four or five different products in one single episode, appearing almost every five minutes. Some appear for 20 to 30 seconds, others for much longer times.
这些插片广告极大地破坏了剧情的连贯性和趣味性。当它所宣传的产品与剧中人物设定不匹配时,就显得愈发怪异。《流星雨》观众之一,来自西安培华学院的大二生田百灵就目睹了一段莫名其妙的剧情--4名男主角趾高气扬地前去车行买车,结果一人开了一辆全新的名爵汽车出来。接着,这些含着金汤匙出生的贵族少爷们花了整整八分钟大秀车技。 These fragmented ads spoil the fun and disturb the plot flow. They also seem a bit strange if the product doesn't quite seem to fit the character. Tian Bailing, a sophomore at Xi'an Peihua University, was bewildered while watching Meteor Shower, when she saw four males strut into a car shop and all drive off in four new MGs. The well-born boys then use the cars in various stunts for eight minutes.
“这段情节给人视觉冲击很大,”田百灵说,“但是仔细一想又觉得蹊跷:他们都是上流社会的公子哥,放着宝马、奔驰不开,为什么非选名爵呢?” "It has a strong visual impact," Tian said. "But they were supposed to be members of the rich class. Why would they drive around in those cars instead of a dreamier BMW or Mercedes-Benz?"
资深植入广告开发商,北京众思国际文化传媒公司员工蔡志勇认为,这种笨办法其实源于艺术和商业之间的冲突。 Cai Zhiyong, a veteran "embedded ad" developer with the United International Culture Communication in Beijing, says that awkwardness is a conflict between art and commerce.
蔡志勇解释说,广告设计者们通常会面临这样一个困境:是剧本第一还是客户第一?找一个与故事情节相吻合的的客户可以让视觉效果自然一些。这一点,《非诚勿扰》就是个很好的例子:剧中,舒淇本是一名空姐,因此出现航空公司的广告也就不足为奇了。 Cai explains that ad designers face a dilemma between script first or client first. Finding a client related to the plot can result in a natural look. For example, Shu Qi is originally an air hostess in If You Are the One, and there are airline ads.
然而在其他情况下,尤其是经济危机期间,电视制片人们就不得不根据客户的需求来调整工作了。《流星雨》中的很多广告就分属此类。 But in other cases, especially during the financial crisis, TV makers have to adapt their work to the needs of clients. Many of Meteor Shower's ads fall in that category.
据报道,该剧制片人之一尹廉就遭遇了类似问题。按照原来的剧本,楚雨荨的妈妈经营的是一家冰淇淋店。但是,由于没有厂商愿意赞助,冰淇淋店变成了奶茶店。正因如此,原本云海为向楚雨荨道歉一口气吃掉20杯冰淇淋的剧情--也被改成喝了20杯奶茶。这样一来,哪里还有什么浪漫可言? It has been reported that one of the show's producers, Yin Lian, had this problem. The original plot had Chu's mom owning an ice-cream shop. But no ice-cream company wanted to support the show, so it became a milk tea shop. So the part where Yunhai eats 20 cups of ice creams to apologize to Chu ended up with Yunhai drinking 20 bottles of milk tea. Where's the romance in that?
好广告:宁缺毋滥 Less is more
吉林大学的李严复在接受采访时说,他根本不在乎这些广告,因为他也压根不会去买这些商品。说实话,他更喜欢与人物及情境搭配得天衣无缝的广告。 Li Yanfu, a Jilin University student that I spoke with, says that he has no problem with the ads since he doesn't have to buy any of them. In fact, he prefers the ones that suit the character or fit in cleverly with the lyrics.
他个人最喜欢的是《金手指》中007所驾驶的阿斯顿-马丁汽车。优雅的车型配上绅士风度十足的驾驶者,让所有人都为之着迷,哪怕明知自己买不起。另外,雪佛兰卡马罗牌汽车(大黄蜂)在《变形金刚》中的迷人风采,也令这个老品牌得以焕发新生。 One of his favorites is the Aston Martin that 007 drives in Goldfinger. The elegance of the car accords with the gentlemanly driver and captured everyone's heart even if they couldn't afford the car. The glamorous Chevrolet Camaro in Transformers also brought the old car brand back to life.
据蔡志勇说,广告的时长和商标大小并不能决定最终效果。若处理得当,即便是惊鸿一瞥也能给人留下持久的印象。在《穿Prada的女魔头》中,梅丽尔-斯特里普其实只穿了1次Prada,但最终却成了整部电影里最显著的广告。 According to Cai, the length of the ad or the size of the logo doesn't decide the effect. Even a brief, subtle appearance can leave a lasting impression. In The Devil Wears Prada, the Prada dress only appears once on Meryl Streep, but it turns out to be the most striking ad in the whole movie.
(责任编辑:admin) |